Jumat, 07 Oktober 2016

Day 18: Star

everyone wants to be the star, but do they ever think what will happen when a star shines too bright?

Everyone wants a position in this life.
At home, at work, at group, everywhere, simply anywhere.

Some people try hard to shine, while some other shine without even trying.

Is life cruel?
Those who say that life is simply too cruel maybe forget that all lives on this earth has basically the same level of luck.

What I learn today is that shine correlates with timing.
Every single person has their time to shine.
Everyone has their own shine that will not be 'un-shined' by any other.

Some people may look so shiny from the very start, like they are actually born to become a star.
Those are people who others take their envy from.
But do those envious people even know how it feels to become a star?

Probably so happy?

Do you know?
When a star shines bright, it will be famous.
But when it shines too bright, nobody cannot clearly see it. But anyhow, there is no star in this universe which purposely eats up its energy to shine too bright for its own good.
God makes it shine.
Yes, God, makes it shine.

So why envy?


4 komentar:

  1. Mampiirr..

    Kenalin blog baru ane

  2. beliyeng ya klo tllu bersinar bintangny#eh :D


terima kasih sudah membaca, have a good day!