Kamis, 19 Juni 2014

Pikiran yang Terdalam

In my deepest thought.

I could kill someone with this anger.
But no, I will not let you die that easily.
It would be better if you lost your will.
You will not die, but inside, you die literally.

I could kill someone with this anger.
But no, I will not let you suffer that instant.
It would be better if you lost your happiness.
You will not die, but inside, you suffer endlessly.

I could kill someone with this anger.
But no, I will not let you smile on your death.
It would be better if you lost your precious.
You will not die, but inside, you cry in loneliness.

I could kill someone with this anger.
But no, I will not let you enjoy your last breath.
It would be better if you lost your nerves.
You will not die, but inside, you breathe in difficulty.

I could kill someone with this anger.
But no, I will not let you feel forgiven.
It would be better if you lost your sanity.
You will not die, but inside, you lost your insight.

I could kill someone with this anger.
But no, I will not let you die easily.
It would be better if you lost in the dark.
You will not die, but inside, you rot and blind.

I could kill someone with this anger.
But no, I will not kill anyone.
Angels around me said I could not do that.
It will only lessen my level to yours.

I could kill someone with this anger.
But no, I will not dirt my hands.
Angels around me stated our difference.
I will not kill someone like you once did, literally.

I could kill someone with this anger.
But no, I will not see any blood.
Angels around me showed the lives I have to protect.
I live to protect and never to abandon.

I could kill someone with this anger.
But no, I will not kill you.
You are not worthy even a second to be killed by me.

So let life do its turn and kill you itself the way it wants.

2 komentar:

terima kasih sudah membaca, have a good day!