Selasa, 22 Desember 2015
Minggu, 13 Desember 2015
Remember Your Parents!
Rabu, 09 Desember 2015
Jumat, 27 November 2015
Minggu, 22 November 2015
The Most Frustrating Anime I Have Ever Come Across
Senin, 16 November 2015
Minggu, 15 November 2015
Antara Ego dan Kewajiban
Selasa, 03 November 2015
Senin, 02 November 2015
Kamis, 29 Oktober 2015
Jumat, 23 Oktober 2015
This World is Full of Love
Selasa, 13 Oktober 2015
12 October 2015
Senin, 05 Oktober 2015
Jumat, 25 September 2015
Minggu, 30 Agustus 2015
Rabu, 19 Agustus 2015
Selasa, 18 Agustus 2015
Bangkok, Smile to Me
Kamis, 30 Juli 2015
Selasa, 28 Juli 2015
Minggu, 26 Juli 2015
When Sandy Musically Escapes with Patrick
Jumat, 24 Juli 2015
Rabu, 08 Juli 2015
Selasa, 07 Juli 2015
Sabtu, 04 Juli 2015
Belajar Gitar
"So they say the time takes away the pain, but I'm still the same. And they say that I will find another you. That can't be true," --Heartache, OOR
Kamis, 02 Juli 2015
Me vs My Lecturer, 2010 vs 2015
"Suatu saat, mahasiswa yang kau bilang ‘bocah’ itu akan dewasa. Ia akan ingat hal baik dan hal buruk yang kamu lakukan, dan percayalah, mahasiswa selalu punya ingatan yang lebih bagus daripada dosennya,”
-- (ayah saya, 2012)
Selasa, 30 Juni 2015
June 30th: Azure
Senin, 29 Juni 2015
June 29th: Amethyst
As I lay my eyes on the amethyst colored sunset, I know another phase of my life has just begun.
Minggu, 28 Juni 2015
June 28th: Platinum
Sabtu, 27 Juni 2015
June 27th: Chartreuse
Jumat, 26 Juni 2015
Under the Same Sky
Kamis, 25 Juni 2015
The Unusual Doctor
Yep, isinya adalah topik yang sering diajukan pada orang-orang pada saya.
Topik apa?
Kamu dokter, tapi kok ndak buka praktek?
Rabu, 24 Juni 2015
Selasa, 23 Juni 2015
June 23rd: Crimson
Senin, 22 Juni 2015
June 22nd: Scarlet
Minggu, 21 Juni 2015
Sabtu, 20 Juni 2015
June 20th: Cinnamon
Jumat, 19 Juni 2015
June 19th: Silver
Kamis, 18 Juni 2015
June 18th: Lime
Rabu, 17 Juni 2015
June 17th: Amaranth
Selasa, 16 Juni 2015
June 16th: Fuchsia
Senin, 15 Juni 2015
Happy is Angry Today
Ehe.. Maaf ini bukan bagian challenge. Saya cuma mendadak pingin ngeblog saat ini juga. Tentang how an anger may dissipate so fast.
Hari ini saya esmosi tingkat tinggi, dan teman sekantor saya bilang, "Kau pasti PMS ya?"
Sebuah kejadian terkait laptop saya si Happy menyulut sebuah adu argumentasi cukup wah di suatu sudut di gedung rektorat beberapa jam yang lalu. Well, saya ternyata cukup tersinggung saat seseorang bilang bahwa Happy ber-spek 'rendah' dan tidak cukup mumpuni untuk menampung salah satu versi Office.
Secara saya nabung cukup lama hingga akhirnya bisa bertemu dengan Happy.
Mungkin bukan maksud si orang itu membuat saya memasuki offensive mode, menurut saya itu lebih pada cara penyampaian yang agak... yah... membuat saya pingin melempar sesuatu yang terdekat dengan saya, hahahaha XD
(ini persona wild fox nya sedang keluar)
Kemarahan saya mendadak hilang saat ibu saya menelepon.
Bukan karena hal yang kami bicarakan sih (beliau hanya bertanya kapan saya pulang), tapi lebih karena... apa ya... saya kira mungkin nada suaranya. Nada suara ibu saya siang ini membuat saya lupa bahwa tadinya saya sedang offensive mode.
Lucu dan mengejutkan sekali.
Sungguh efek yang tidak saya duga.
Sepertinya jika nanti saya pulang dan menceritakan hal ini, ibu saya pasti tertawa, hahaha XD
Lalu saya bakal dibilang, "Lha salahmu juga ndak lempar sesuatu," sambil tetap tertawa terbahak-bahak, hahahaha XD
(Sebenarnya tadi benda terdekat adalah ransel saya, dan tentunya saya lebih eman ransel saya daripada badan si orang tadi dong... Makanya ndak ada hal yang saya lempar :p)
Minggu, 14 Juni 2015
June 14th: Zaffre
Sabtu, 13 Juni 2015
June 13th: Wisteria
Writing is like exploring the wisteria garden by the end of a savanna. Enlightening.
Jumat, 12 Juni 2015
June 12th: Onyx
Kamis, 11 Juni 2015
Rabu, 10 Juni 2015
Selasa, 09 Juni 2015
Senin, 08 Juni 2015
June 8th: Yellow
Minggu, 07 Juni 2015
June 7th: Mint
It gives me refreshing taste, just like a mint candy.
Tahukah kamu bahwa jika kita mengetik kata kunci 'Mint' di Mbah Gugel, ia akan menampilkan banyak sekali versi warna Mint, mulai dari yang kebiruan hingga yang kehijauan. Namun semuanya tetap dalam rumpun 'Mint' walaupun shadingnya macam-macam.
Seperti lagu-lagu berikut yang walaupun genrenya agak bermacam-macam tapi menimbulkan senyum yang sama di wajah saya setiap saya mendengarnya:
Sabtu, 06 Juni 2015
June 6th: Sapphire
Jumat, 05 Juni 2015
June 5th: Mahogany
Kamis, 04 Juni 2015
June 4th: Aqua
H. A. - A. G. It made me cry, but...
Tentang sebuah lagu yang laksana kaktus berduri hiu (tadi mau saya tulis berduri paus tapi paus itu bukan berduri tapi ber-rusuk karna dia mamalia) buat saya selama setahun terakhir.
Lagu ini menandai akhir dari hal yang pernah membuat saya bahagia sekali, dan sejak hari itu saya tidak pernah lagi mendengarkan lagu ini hingga kira-kira sebulan yang lalu.
Sungguh sebuah lagu yang indah, very very grand, sangat emosional, berisi kiasan namun sangat mengena.
Rabu, 03 Juni 2015
June 3rd: Vermillion
(my mother, 2014)
Selasa, 02 Juni 2015
June 2nd: Blue
Senin, 01 Juni 2015
June 1st: White
Kamis, 28 Mei 2015
My Sweet Silver 'Happy'
Sebelum membeli sebuah gadget, saya menghabiskan waktu yang jauuuuhhhhh lebih panjang daripada 'orang normal' untuk memilih gadget mana yang akan saya beli.
Pertimbangan saya ada banyak sekali, tercakup di dalamnya soal harga dan non-harga (ini maksudnya isi prosesor, kecepatan prosesor, RAM, harddisk, graphic card, sound, cell baterei, termasuk bobot dan ukuran dari bendanya itu sendiri).
Kurang lebih dua tiga tahun lalu saya menyadari bahwa dunia ini belum cukup mumpuni untuk membuat gadget yang berbobot ringan (seringan Bleki, laptop lama saya yang cuma 0,99 gram) tapi kuat untuk menampung daya tampil yang sejernih harapan saya (ini maksudnya saya pingin pakai NVIDIA, hahaha :p)
Namun kala itu saya males bawa-bawa lepi seberat 3 kilogram (karena rata-rata beratnya lepi bergrafis ya segitu pada saat itu)
Sejak tahun kemarin, saya sudah punya rencana dan mulai menabung untuk beli laptop baru yang sesuai dengan keinginan dan kebutuhan saya.
Sadar kok saya, kalau tidak mungkin sekali saya menemukan laptop sesempurna yang saya inginkan.
Satu hal lagi yang memotivasi saya untuk beli laptop adalah saat ibu saya berkata bahwa saya berhak 'memberi reward pada diri saya sendiri atas kerja keras saya selama ini,'
Well, sejauh ini memang biasanya saya selalu bertanya 'lha buat apa?' saat disindir untuk beli gadget baru :p
Seorang rekan saya yang kebetulan pemilik toko komputer sampai bingung ketika saya mendeskripsikan laptop yang saya inginkan
Setahun lamanya saya mencari laptop sesuai spek yang saya inginkan, namun setiap tawaran yang diajukan akhirnya saya kesampingkan karena tidak sesuai.
Lebay, katanya, hahahaha :D
Yah, saya sih mending menunggu daripada cepat beli lalu menyesal.
Plus, saya bukan tipikal yang hobi ganti-ganti gadget, saya lebih suka punya satu yang bisa saya gunakan terus dalam waktu lama.
Plus lagi, saya tahu apa yang saya inginkan dan saya punya ekspektasi yang cukup tinggi (bukan sangat tinggi) terkait sebuah laptop.
Ekspektasi ini berbeda sama handheld lain seperti hp misalkan.
Saya juga baru saja beli hp baru (karena hp lama saya mendadak pettt.... sudden death!) namun saya dengan mudah merestriksi diri untuk tidak membeli semacam G*laxy Edge atau sejenisnya.
Yah, soalnya kinerja saya dengan hp ya cuma segitu.
Saya cuma pakai hp untuk telp, sms, whatsapp, email, dan jalan ke Lan Forta, maka spek awal yang saya cari dari hp 'hanya' batere dan RAM.
'Hanya', hehehe...
Itupun saya butuh waktu hampir dua minggu untuk memutuskan hp mana yang saya bawa pulang (sisi baiknya adalah saya bisa menikmati waktu-waktu tak terganggu whatsapp selama beberapa hari)
Laptop itu lain cerita, karena disitulah kehidupan sehari-hari saya akan berjalan dalam kisaran waktu yang jauuuuhhh lebih banyak daripada gadget manapun.
Itulah kenapa rekan saya yang pemilik toko komputer diatas akhirnya pasrah dan memutuskan untuk menunggu waktu di saat saya menemukan sendiri laptop yang saya cari, hihihihi...
Masa penantian saya menjadi agak menyulitkan karena mendadak batere Bleki drop dan mengharuskan saya mengganti batere. Namun di saat bersamaan saya diajak jalan-jalan oleh teman sekantor saya dan bertemulah saya dengan tipe laptop yang sedang saya cari.
Maka dengan demikian bertemulah saya dengan laptop baru saya yang bernama 'Happy', hihihi, sebuah nama yang muncul di benak saya saat saya membaca merek dari si laptop ini :)
Dan rekan saya inipun berkata, "Lamaaa banget ya, akhirnya milih satu juga,"
Entah kenapa saya agak kejleb.
But whatever, saya akhirnya bisa memberikan reward sesuai dengan yang saya ingin berikan pada diri sendiri.
Welcome to my family, 'Happy' :)
NB: alasan saya mencari NVIDIA karena saya ingin bisa menjalankan program PCSX dengan baik. Saya sebenarnya tidak menginginkan game manapun selain satu game di PCSX, walaupun saya mau-mau saja saat rekan saya nginstalkan beberapa game lain di dalam 'Happy'.
Senin, 25 Mei 2015
Kadang memang tidak sesuai dengan apa yang diinginkan.
Lucunya, jauh di dalam hati saya sudah punya prediksi tentang hari ini.
Eh wow, prediksi saya makin mendekati benar saja.
Saya jadi ngeri.
Tapi anehnya, saya rileks-rileks saja, tidak ada hal yang membuat saya bingung, kalut, sedih, atau apalah itu mereka.
Kebalikannya, saya malah ketawa ketiwi menanggapi berita barusan.
Back to zero,
Like, once again :)
Walaupun saya mulai heran kenapa saya baik-baik saja sih...
Mestinya saya ngambek, protes, berargumen, etsetera...
Tapi disinilah saya, duduk ngeblog sambil senyam senyum.
Ya memang sih, ini hal yang akan 'tercatat' dalam hidup saya, tapi lebih dari itu saya tidak merasa apa apa.
But seriously, I should have felt anger.
And assuming that I did not feel anything like such, it means, I am in trouble.
Trouble for terlalu kalem, afek emosi terlalu datar, plus terlalu kehilangan sense of emergency.
Troubled when too emotional, troubled when too un-emotional.
Kamis, 07 Mei 2015
Beruang pun Frustasi
Tuh beruangnya frustasi, hahahahaha XD
Repotnya, saya malas beranjak kembali ke lab, hahahaha :p
Maka jadilah saya malah nggambar-nggambar di logbook saya..
Life was never worse but never better. Aye.
Selasa, 05 Mei 2015
Nani ga fushigi?
Hm, ichinen mae no atashi wa, kono koto wa zettai ni kininattenai,
Da ga fushigi ne, kyoo no atashi wa zettai ni kininaru.
Maa, sore wa mo atashi no sei dakara sa,
Kyoo wa nani mo iu koto wa dekimasen.
Fushigi da ne,
Shikashi, yappari atashi wa jibun no koto ga daisuki desu,
Daisuki dakara, atashi wa warau ne,
Nani mo ka mo, itsuka, atashi no negai ga kanau.
NB: sure it is probably a silly attempt to catch my brainwave with Japanese. Well, it's worth trying :p
Minggu, 26 April 2015
Romancing Saga Minstrel Song: A Remembrance
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Selasa, 21 April 2015
Dear Friend, Somewhere Far Away...
It has been so long since we last met,
And talk,
Well, it doesn't look like we have really talked to each other since we ever knew each other,
Do you even remember that we attended the same high school?
I will be doomed if you forget about that -___-"
I just really hope that you don't forget that we also attended the same college after all,
You were always...
Hmm... how should I put this...
You were always... shining, like a star, so bright and brilliant,
You were... so smart, beautiful, like really, we would find all the qualities of a girl in you,
I still remember when we were both working on the same exam, you easily excelled all the questions in no time while I was still trying so hard to answer one question,
Yeah, yeah, I knew it, you might have forgotten all about it,
Not that it surprised me,
It might not be a big deal for you, but for me, it felt like a very fond memory,
You're... one of the greatest person I have ever seen,
When I looked at you, I felt like looking at the high sky,
You resembled all the possibilities, all dreams that would come true,
To be exact, sometimes I would be so jealous at you,
For being so smart, so bright, so very very skillful,
When compared to you, I felt like I was nothing special,
I still remember the way you looked at me, some time in 2012,
You were standing there, just looking at me, saying nothing,
Even when I walked to you and waved my hand in front of you, you seemed like you didn't really see me,
The time you smiled to me was after I started to talk to you,
Dear my friend,
At that time, I didn't really think about the reason why you acted like that,
And just today, I really know what happened,
And I can somehow, relate it to the way you looked at me that day,
Well, I might not be the one you want to hear (or read) this from but... at least let me say this one thing to you,
I really understand how you feel.
Well, okay, deep inside, we are not really what people call as 'friends', but I consider you as one,
I don't really know why I consider you as one, but, you know, no matter how much I want to deny, deep inside I did admire you,
For every single thing you mastered,
For every single thing you could do while I couldn't,
And no, I am not pitying you or something, I just want to tell you honestly that I understand it, I really, really, understand how you feel,
I really understand,
I was on the same boat anyway, though, my case was not as hard as yours,
Writing this post on my blog is just a silly effort, I knew, but we never really exchange contact number or something else, right?
Like I said, we were never really 'friends' to begin with, because, yeah, we were on two different worlds after all,
You were already so high on the sky when I was just learning how to fly,
And right now, I remember about you,
The decision you made must be so hard, and requiring so much bravery to take,
Yet, despite of all the great changes, you keep standing, you keep all your rationality with you,
And I know, I have one more reason to admire you after all,
I guess you really are a very great person,
Look, I understand that maybe life can be so unfair and cruel at the same time,
But I believe, every little thing happens for a reason,
While every hello will end with goodbye, every lose will be replaced with something more precious,
It doesn't matter where we are, as long as we stay true to ourselves, we will get by anything,
I hope you're doing well at the place you are now,
I hope that happiness will always be with you no matter how many hardship may lie ahead,
I know you will be fine,
Because you are... you.
NB: anyway, the song of Rascall Flatts titled as 'My Wish' may convey all the things I want to say to you too.
Senin, 20 April 2015
Old Little Song
There is one song I've been dreaded to hear for so many months.
Yep, because I thought it could be the dead of me,
Or... maybe I thought it made myself got lost inside the rain (ok, this is cliché)
Or maybe, I thought that it would make me jump out of the road and screaming like crazy (oh geez, this is exaggerating)
Such a long drive home,
I was not a fool, though they say I was wrong, I knew I was right,
I knew it,
I knew the result long before I even start trying,
We don't even need a mirror to look at the rear side of us, because we can turn around with wide eyes,
All that matter is how to avoid bumping the rear, right?
Like an apprentice driver, traffic jam is just another challenge,
Add some heavy pouring rain, then it will be so difficult to see what's ahead,
Then at the end of the road, you will find the blue deep forest swallowing the avenue,
It is not the wrong way,
It is my way home,
The forest is still as blue as ever, no matter how many times the clock has been crashed and burned,
So many people talking as the time ticks, and I thought they must be talking about me,
Not that it matter to me,
Because I found my way home,
It was such a long way, like, very very long way,
Every step I take is not meant to be recovered, so yeah, there's no going back to the way it was, not that I want one,
And then, at my home today is the very first time I hear the song for this year, like I believe, that day was also the first time I ever heard the exact same singer and melody,
The same song that made me laugh in different kinds of happiness.
The pressure is long gone.
NB: I challenged myself a bit to write some kind of self-reflection when I found the song I stopped listening for so long, and to my surprise, my first reaction was laughing. Anyone knew what the song is? This post contains so many clue to the song btw :)
Rabu, 08 April 2015
When It's Hard to Get Up
Let's just say that I spent this early morning contemplating.
It's been months since I buried my chance to continue my study, which I realized has made many people disappointed in me.
Haha, I will never forget the disappointed look on their faces when I decided to postpone my research.
Well, let's just say that it's unbearably hard for me to say that, I mean that research is a part of my dream, it is still one miraculous thing ever happen to me.
But let's just say that condition forced me to do so.
If you think I would cry over this, haha I did MORE than crying, haha..
Let's just say I escaped to my hard routine to forget my disappointment.
I was disappointed in myself, yet I could not bring myself to stand back on my feet.
It takes me a lot of time to recover, and suddenly I arrived at today.
Subconsciously I opened back my research logbook and frowned...
How did I become so cruel of myself?
As I traced back my written words on the papers I couldn't help but feeling stupid.
For giving up.
For running away.
For pretending that I can forget this one miracle ever happened to me.
I should have believed in myself.
Nobody has ever invented this research method but me, I mean look at this research progress! Without feeling too high I am in awe of my own logbook.
I may be too late, but late is always better than never, isn't it?
Yes I know, I am too clumsy for starting up so late, but hey, since I've been in awe with myself, I should start over.
I will start, today!
I Dream of You
This is a silly yet funny post for me so please read at your own risk.
Let's just say that today is my moment of truth,
I will face... er... some kind of trial this afternoon because of my... lack of focus, haha :p
And let's just say that I am in a pinch.
I can imagine some meaningful outcomes this afternoon, but I refuse to choose any of these possibilities.
And then I messaged my friend who used to be my partner last year, told this person everything, and this is the reply I got,
"Oh my God, I was wondering why I keep dreaming of you these days! So you're in trouble, huh? Why didn't you tell me about it instead of intruding my pleasant dreams?!"
And despite of my pinched situation, I squealed in delight.
It's great to know that we have some kind of 'invisible connection' with people.
It is just great.
(NB: actually there is one childhood friend of mine that keep bothering my dreams for some days already. The more I dream of this old friend, the more I feel like this old friend is in problem. It just that, er... I don't know whether I have to say anything or how I should contact this person. I just hope everything is alright)