to the House of the unBEARables!
This is the tail
of the bears. Since this is just a tail, you can choose to follow the tail and
believe it, or not. Well, once upon a time, there is a chivalrous knight named
Exazio which befriends a laid back wizard named Cromag. Both of them like bear
for its unbearably strange features. Together they formed a guild and Cromag made
Exazio step up as the compulsory guild master.
Bear 1: Exazio (hybrid - damage-per-second knight)

Theme song: 200 Miles
Bear 2: Cromag (fire - wind wizard)
Cromag was
the first guildsman of the guild. He specializes in fire elements and has high
ability of magic among people of his level. He is the first guild member to ever
reach 1000+ offensive powers. This greatness is greatly compensated with his
terrifying defense, even though Cromag has actually mastered the art of defense
for wizards. Cromag is blessed with high luck in upgrading his own magical
weapon to boost his magic power, which made Exazio frequently states him as ‘troublesome
magic bear’. He likes to help the guild apprentices more than leveling up by
his own. Bluefeather often said that he used to have blue hair, which turned
red after he started to study fire magic. True or not, Cromag himself never
Theme song: Shooting Star
Bear 3: Zegro (hybrid knight)
contrary to Exazio who specializes as attacker, Zegro serves a role of both
attacker and defender. He has both high defense and high attack power, though
his attack is not as high as the guildmaster. Zegro has the highest
survivability rate among the guildsmen due to his balance hybrid skills. He used to stay
back and let the other surpassed him but recently he got back his title as the
number one defender of the guild by surpassing most guildsmen in term of both
defensive and offensive power. He has mature aura around him which makes many
apprentices like his guidance. Still, as a member of the guild, he shows ability to blend into pranks and quarrels with the youngsters.
Theme song: Happy People
Bear 4: Ermira (katar – damage-per-second

Theme song: Life
Bear 5: Zalbard (water - wind wizard)
As a lone
wizard, it took some time for him to warm up to other guildsmen. Wielding high
magic power inside him (Cromag even stated that one day Zalbard’s magic power
would be the highest in the guild), he has unbearable courage to venture the
world even without a healer by his side. He mastered the art of ice and wind,
also high magic recovery skill after casting one. Zalbard talks a little and
prefers to listen when his guildsmen chat, but once insulted, he will literally
send unbearable chills to the talker. Exazio states that Zalbard is the AB blood
of the guild, which explains his ‘special’ nature.
Theme song: Ain’t Nobody Can Hold Me Down
Bear 6: Icearth (water - earth magician)
Looking up to
Cromag, Icearth followed him around (Cromag failed to realize until much later)
and then became his disciple (after Cromag finally realize that he had an
admirer). Contrary to his tutor, Icearth choose to master water element, which
often made Exazio questioned him for his tutor preference. Icearth soon
befriended Elore who joined the guild afterwards. Actually, Icearth claims
himself as the laziest in guild (which Exazio and Cromag instantly agreed) and
he is unbearably proud of it, because like ice, he likes to stay silent and
unmoved (but is easily melted, Cromag says).
Theme song: A Day Dreaming
Bear 7: Bluefeather (support priest)
Being one of the
main healers of the guild, Bluefeather frequently tags along with the other
guildsmen. She has special concern for magic users like her twin, Cromag, thus
makes her willingly help them during her journeys. Blue joined the guild as a
mere acolyte long after her brother joined it, but she leveled up unbearably
faster than him. She was previously a battle acolyte, thus her magic power is
not anywhere near Cromag, but she makes it up by mastering many other skills which
are helpful to her guildsmen. Over time, she develops a habit to collect frying
pans from certain monsters, which she says to be useful for knocking annoying people
Theme song: Burn
Bear 8: CarlCJohnson (hybrid - defender
Nicknamed as
Carl, he is one of main defenders of the guild. Like Zegro, he is a hybrid, but
dedicated himself to defense more than offensive. He was invited personally by
Exazio. Carl had combination of Zalbard and Icearth’s personalities which is
sometimes unbearably confusing for the guildsmen. Carl used to be the one with
highest defense among the guildsmen until Zegro successfully surpassed him
again after the comeback. He is currently trying to gain back his title as
number one defender of the guild. Though he sees Zegro as somewhat-a-rival,
those two are seen in training together frequently. Cromag often said that Carl
might be a tough rival for Exazio if he kept training in defense section.
Theme song: Luminous Sword
Bear 9: Elore (earth - wind magician)
This young
mage holds ability to cast earth element magic. Calm and reserved, Elore has a
wise aura around him despite of his young age. As an apprentice of the guild,
he often tags along with his seniors to gain experience. His calm aura is
usually scattered by Exazio’s cheerful nature which frequently made Elore think
that his guild master is the real unbearable one between all guildsmen. At
first glance, no one would ever suspect him as Furato’s big brother because of
their opposite attitude. Like his main element, Elore is the most down to earth
and the most ‘normal’ person in the guild. His innocence won Zalbard’s will to
guide him mastering wind element.
Theme song: Return to Innocence
Bear 10: SkyDrill (dagger –
damage-per-second assassin)
SkyDrill is currently the swiftest attacker of the guild, even swifter
than both Exazio and Ermira. She excels in both solo and team battle, although
like Ermira, she usually ventures on her own. Sky also excels in strategy
making, to compensate her rather low defense. Unlike Ermira, Sky is a rather
quiet and reserved person, but she still willingly takes part in any weird
activities the guild unbearably has. Sky grows close to Blue due to their similar
favorite colors, which is obviously, blue. She has a salamander pet which
breathed fire, which Ermira often states as ‘not for a girl’. Sky herself never
takes Ermira’s comment into account.
Theme song: Sky’s The Limit
Bear 11: Furato (support priest)
brilliant young healer was tutored by Bluefeather during her earlier days in
guild. Furato was the youngest in the guild until Litenite and Syrenns joined
late afterward. Unlike Blue who started up as battle acolyte, Furato was a
support acolyte from the very beginning, thus her basic healing power is
currently the highest in the guild. She has feminine attitude which was comparable
to Ermira and often gets into argument with her (Blue and Sky will serve as
peacemaker when they started). She never fails to light up the mood in the
guild, her own way, especially during the monetary crisis in Valhalla which
made every single price rocketed up. She takes a liking of her former tutor’s
twin brother and frequently seen to tag along with him during various quests.
Theme song: I Wish
Bear 12: Affario (defender knight)
This young
knight admired Exazio to the max and he declared to join Exazio’s guild no
matter what happened. He used to stalk the said guildmaster whenever he was
online until one day Exazio had enough of his stalking and ended up inviting him
to join the guild. This youngest knight never seems to keep silent and always
on the move, usually becomes the one who starts the ruckus in the guild. Despite
of his ‘prankful’ nature, Affario takes other knights’ guidance seriously. Unlike
both Carl and Zegro, Affario dedicates himself fully as defender and currently
the knight with highest regen in the guild. Recently, Affario proves his determination by surpassing most guildsmen in term of level, despite of being a 'junior'.
Theme song: Boys Be Ambitious!
Bear 13: Litenite (support priest)
Furato’s former place as the youngest in the guild, Litenite was previously a
battle acolyte. Bluefeather guides her from time to time and eventually, Litenite
chose to follow Blue’s step to become support priest. She is far from spoiled,
and actually a bit reckless, a trait that makes her the perfect partner in
crime of Affario. She is usually seen tagging along with the young knight
during their journey. She insists to call Cromag as ‘uncle’ regardless of
calling Blue as ‘Big sis’, because she does not believe that those two are
Theme song: Everything at Once
Bear 14: Syrenns (dagger - lurer assassin)
This young assassin
is Litenite’s identical twin, thus she also shares the position of the youngest
member of the guild. Exactly like her twin, Syrenns maintains her childlike
nature inside her. Together with Affario and Litenite, the three of them
usually team up as ‘youngest-in-the-guild-trio’. She looks up to Ermira and
SkyDrill, though unlike them, Syrenns focused more in flee other than attack. She is seen together in an inseparable way with Litenite frequently
though lately, like both other assassins, Syrenns starts to venture alone from
time to time. The other guildsmen conclude that assassins have their unique way
as a solo fighter.
Theme song: Brave
Bear 15: Divfa (battle priest)
She used to
be a lone battler and continued to be one even after joining the guild.
Admitting that she is older than both Litenite and Syrenns, this priest is the
newest member and also currently the only battle priest in the guild. She
refuses to accompany any attacker like wizards and battle knight like Exazio
because Divfa excels more in melee combat than being a support. Plus, she does
not like to stand behind them. Between the guildsmen, Divfa is a wallflower and
chooses to watch than being involved in the guild’s unbearable pranks and
quarrels. Her cool and straightforward nature is sometimes intimidating, but
Cromag frequently says that one day she will just become exactly as weird as
the other guildsmen.
Theme song: Titanium
humble and unbearably awesome.
No guildsman
in unBEARable is ruby user. The only way we get rubies is through Daily Spin or
Abyss Dungeon. We have made commitment to keep our daily play 100% free. We do
not have ambition to be the best, but we do aim for fun experience during our
play. Regardless, there is no such phrase like ‘giving up’
in our dictionary. We survive together as a family of unbearable people.
Days of the unBEARables:
Pretty Cartoon
Blue : I think Ermira is the prettiest girl in
the guild…
Zegro : How come you call someone with cartoon
face like that ‘pretty’?
Carl : Yeah look, the eyes are like strips, no
blink, no nose, no lips, and that is… ‘pretty’?
Blue : But look at her hair, it is long and it
looks sweet!
Zegro : (exchange looks with Carl) is it…?
Carl : Means that someone with short hair like
someone here is not ‘pretty’…
Blue : … (the wrath of frying pan)…
Days of the unBEARables:
Peco-Peco of the Me
Cromag : Now this is the speed of the
Peco-Peco of the wiz!
Exa : It’s Peco-Peco of the knight!
Cromag : Not fair! I’m a wiz!
Exa : Who cares, it’s ‘of the knight’!
Cromag : No, the wiz!
Exa : The knight!
Cromag : The wiz!
Exa : The knight!
Cromag : Wiz!
Exa : Knight!
… (then the
pvp starts)…
Days of the unBEARables:
Noses of Defenders
Affa : I challenge you into duel!
Zegro : You called it pvp, kid!
Sky : Then I’ll be the judge! Begin!
… (2 minutes
later, the pvp has not ended yet)…
Sky : Guys… Finish it! It’s been two
Affa : No, we use basic attack only.
Zegro : Yes, no skill!
Sky : What? Why?
Zegro : Girls won’t understand.
Affa : Yeah.
Sky : #swt
… (2 minutes
later again, the pvp has not ended yet)…
Sky : Oh come on! I am bored already!
Zegro : Blame him! His regen is unbearable!
Affa : What? Me? His defense is unbearable!
… (2 minutes
later again, the pvp ends after Zegro uses Fatal Blow)
Affa : Hey! What the! You can’t use skill!
Zegro : Sorry, my nose is very itchy I need to end
this soon
Affa : You don’t have a nose! Duel again!
Zegro : The real me HAS NOSE! And I told you we
call it pvp!
… (then the
pvp starts again after Zegro scratches his nose)…
Sky : I’m going home…
Days of the unBEARables:
Twin’s Hair
Lite : So you’re Blue big sis’ twin?
Cromag : Yep
Lite : No way! Your hair is not blue!
Cromag : Should twin have same hair too?
Lite : Yes, like me and Syrenns
Cromag : But Syrenns’ hair grows like
dogs and yours not—
Syrenns : THAT’S ANUBIS HELM, uncle Crom!
Days of the unBEARables:
Valor Sallet S
Zalbard : Why should you use the mask?
Exa : Hmm... higher attack and defense with
this mask
Zalbard : It reminds me of—
Exa : Ultraman? Many people call me that—
Zalbard : No, Anpanman, the one who said ‘If you’re
hungry, eat my face,’
Exa : …
Days of the unBEARables:
Duck’s Good Luck
Fura : The newest mount is cute!
Exa : You mean the duck?
Fura : Yeah, it’s cute! Sometimes I really want
Exa : Well… good luck with that…
Fura : But…
I have no diamonds to buy it #sob
Exa : Well… glue duck with that…
Fura : Huh? What duck?
Cromag : It is a sound when you drop
something, gludak!
--when life gives you ups and down, shake it with lefts and rights, combos of triangle and square, and finish it with artes of x and round--
Sincerely, unBEARables.
prankful... wkwkwk XD
BalasHapusa rio
affaaa... -__-"