Being seven is easy.
We just need
to live our life, make it fun and choose to be happy. Sevens are strong people
who always stay positive. We believe that everything will turn out fine, and we
find powers to make fine endings simply from believing. Sevens see everything
from both sides and try not to judge before pointing out positive traits. We
love to spread out positive thoughts to people.
Some people
state that Sevens are the children of Enneagram. Not that we are childish but
more that we have childlike nature inside us. It is not difficult to attract
Sevens’ attention. We are easily feel enthusiasm and fall in love with many
things. We are easily drowned into things we love, and if it comes to our dream
job, we are willing to do our best with tremendous stamina. We are commonly
praised for our energetic and fast-paced nature, like we never run out of fuel.
Inside, Sevens
value future perspective highly. We like to plan, brainstorm and daydream. We
tend to let ourselves open to many changes and new things that are about to
come. We are not afraid of changes, instead, we are thrilled. As we grow up, we
start to learn about consequences and tend to choose the happiest choice when
Sevens leave
the past as it is, never seem to regret it more than once in a short time. We
have natural ability to move on. Like others, some of us are easily hurt, but
all of us have the same special reflex to think positively of our surrounding.
In summary, we naturally seek positive traits of anything to feel blessed and
happy because we never like negative feelings.
As we have
many things that interest us, Sevens have very big chance to master many
distinct abilities. Many people praise us for our wide array of skills, both as
professionals and amateurs. Something that draws out our creativity and ideas
usually becomes our subjects, as Sevens are unstoppable active thinkers. Point
out any trouble to us, we will automatically spin our mind to make many way out.
Grown up
Sevens usually take the best traits of Fives, the Observers. At best, we are up
to par to Fives in listening, watching and reading our surrounding without
making any intervention. This growth counterattacks our previous tendency to
jump over things, but still, we retain the playful nature inside us. Push the
right button, and we will back to full-Seven-mode.
wisdom usually is the cumulative experience from our habit to jump over things.
At one point, we have experienced so many things that others might have never
experienced before. Many people define Sevens’ wisdom as sobrieties, a state
when we no longer make measurement of anything. We willingly accept ourselves
and our surrounding with all positives and negatives, and let life happens as
it is. Together with observation skill adapted from Fives, we are usually seen
as people with broad perspective, one of the broadest in Enneagram.
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Being seven is hard.
We are not
connected to our fear. Instead, we tend to avoid it. When we fear something, or
being hurt by something, we tend to distract our mind so the negative feelings
will not bother us. While it may seem positive, nobody can hide from their fear
for too long. One day we will have to face it again. Though, when faced with overly negative feeling, Sevens will withdraw themselves from the main cause and tend to choose other path in order to protect themselves.
Sevens tend
to wish for many things. It will be very difficult for us if someone asks us,
‘What is one thing you want in life?’. We have many interests and many things
that amaze us. Life is too broad for wanting only one thing. It comes in cost
that we constantly need to experience as many things as possible. Some people
call this trait as ‘gluttony of experience’.
Having a fully-fueled
locomotive planted in our feet, sometimes Sevens are over-expecting other
people to have the same pace as us. Some people define us as impatient
community. Some people see us as shallow, because we seem to move on very
quickly from one thing to another. It is not completely wrong, but we still
have ability to feel strong connections to others. The only difference between
us and non-Sevens is that we avoid being negative for too long, because our
basic need is find bless and happiness. How can we do that if we are too busy
dwelling on negative feelings?
It is true
that we like to study many things, but we have a relatively short span of
concentration. We need new things to explore from time to time or we will be
easily subjected to boredom. It comes in cost that we might not be able to
learn something very deeply because we tend to jump over from one thing to
Ideas are
holy for us Sevens, which means that we work best at the place where ideas are
appreciated. We are easily frustrated by repetitive works, inability to jump
over things and mostly when our ideas are not appreciated. Moreover, although
Sevens are excellent brainstormers, we are not as best as other Enneagrams in
case of finishing things. This is due to unstoppable flow of ideas inside our
head, and we have very high tendency to follow our new ideas than finishing the
previous ones.
At worst, we
are much like Ones in bad state. High stress environment and or having no time
to enjoy our life might trigger this deprivation. We might still have tendency
to spin our mind to find a way out, but our machine seems to work less
accurate. As the result, we might become perfect perfectionists and overly
critical about our surroundings.
Sevens are prone to ‘rebound phenomenon’ because of their constant need to
stray away from negative feelings. Deep down we realize that the buried feeling
might be a time bomb for us. Just to let you know, healthy Sevens learn to
accept their negative feeling, but most of us refuse to let it dominate our
mind. We choose to think positively after we accept the negative.